Tag Archives: SharePoint Training

SharePoint Development: Custom Web Part Settings

This post briefly covers how to create custom web part settings in your Visual Studio solution.

In the main webPart.CS file add the following settings:

 // Custom WP Setting – English RSS URL



 WebDisplayName(“English RSS URL”),

 WebDescription(“Enter the English RSS URL”),

 Category(“Custom Web Part Settings”)]

 publicstring ENRSSUrl { get; set; }

 // Custom WP Setting – English RSS URL



 WebDisplayName(“French RSS URL”),

 WebDescription(“Enter the French RSS URL”),

 Category(“Custom Web Part Settings”)]

 publicstring FRRSSUrl { get; set; }

 Update the createChildControls method:

protected override void CreateChildControls()


 Control control = Page.LoadControl(_ascxPath);

 // Reference public properties in visual webpart control

 VisualWebPart1UserControl vswebcontrol = control asVisualWebPart1UserControl;

 // Pass through the values to the web part control

 vswebcontrol.toolPartENRSSUrl = ENRSSUrl;

vswebcontrol.toolPartFRRSSUrl = FRRSSUrl;



Reference the settings in the main web part control class:

public partialclass VisualWebPart1UserControlUserControl


 // Public Properties

 public string toolPartENRSSUrl { get; set; }

 public string toolPartFRRSSUrl { get;set; }

 // Internal strings

 string ENURL = string.Empty;

 string FRURL = string.Empty;

 protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


 // Set the string values

ENURL = toolPartENRSSUrl;

FRURL = toolPartFRRSSUrl;

 // Reference the custom web part settings

lblEN.Text = ENURL;

LblFR.Text = FRURL;



It’s as simple as this !

SharePoint 2010 Document Library Replicator: Part 4

Its been a while since my last post on this solution. The code is almost complete and this is the final update to the current solution. The solution can be downloaded from CodePlex here.

In this post, the code update covers the following areas:

1 – A new method has been added to read the configuration list where we specify source and target document libraries. A new class named SPListOperations was created with a method named queryConfigList to query the replicator configuration list for source and target libraries.

2 – The itemupdated and itemdeleted methods in the solution have been updated to call a method that performs the add and delete operation.

Changes to the Event Receiver methods




 An item was updated.



 public override void ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)







An item was deleted



public override void ItemDeleted(SPItemEventProperties properties)





New method to perform the copy/update and delete operations

public void replicatorOperation(SPItemEventProperties properties, string operation)


 using (SPSite spsite = newSPSite(properties.WebUrl))



EventFiringEnabled = false;

 if (properties.ListItem.ParentList.Title != “Replicator Logger”)


 SPWeb siteForLogger = spsite.OpenWeb();

 // determine target filename – the same as the source

 string targetfilename = properties.ListItem.Name.ToString();

 string SourceLibPath = properties.WebUrl + “/” + properties.ListItem.ParentList.ToString();

 string sourceLibrary = properties.ListItem.ParentList.ToString();

 string targetLibraryFromConfigList = SPListOperations.queryConfigList(siteForLogger, sourceLibrary).ToString();

 // Query the Configuration List

 if (targetLibraryFromConfigList != “NotListed”)


 // Copy/Delete the file to the destination library (targetlibrary)

 if (operation == “Added/Updated”)


 properties.ListItem.File.CopyTo(targetLibraryFromConfigList + “/” + targetfilename, true



if (operation == “Deleted”)


 SPFile spFileTarget = siteForLogger.GetFile(targetLibraryFromConfigList + “/” + targetfilename);



 // Write to the Replicator Log – unfinished…

 ReplicatorLogger replogger = newReplicatorLogger();

 // Get the current Date and Time

 DateTime dtime = DateTime.Now;

 // Create the title for the logger list item

 string title = (dtime.Date.ToString() + “_” + dtime.Hour.ToString() + “_” + dtime.Minute.ToString() + “_” + dtime.Second.ToString() + “_” + targetfilename.ToString());

// Write to the log list

EventFiringEnabled = false;

replogger.writeToLog(title, dtime.ToShortDateString(), properties.UserDisplayName.ToString(), operation, SourceLibPath, targetfilename, siteForLogger);




catch (SPException spEx) { }



 // Enable Event Firing

 EventFiringEnabled = true;



 SPListOperations Class and a new queryConfigList method

using Microsoft.SharePoint;

 namespace DocLibraryReplicator


 internal class SPListOperations 


publicstaticstring queryConfigList(SPWeb spWeb, string query)


 // Build a query.

 string result = “NotListed”;

 SPQuery spQuery = newSPQuery();

spQuery.Query =  string.Concat(“<Where><Eq>”, “<FieldRef Name=’Source Library Path and Name’/>”,“<Value Type=’Text’>” + query + “</Value>”, “</Eq></Where>”);

spQuery.ViewFields = string.Concat(“<FieldRef Name=’Source Library Path and Name’ />”);

spQuery.ViewFieldsOnly = true;

 // Fetch only the data that we need.

 // Get data from a list.

 string listUrl = spWeb.ServerRelativeUrl + “lists/Replicator Configuration”;

 SPList spList = spWeb.GetList(listUrl);

 // result = list.GetItems(spQuery);

 string sourceList = spWeb.Url + “/” + query;

 foreach (SPListItem spItem in spList.Items)


 string a = spItem.GetFormattedValue(“Source Library Path and Name”).ToString();

 if (spItem.GetFormattedValue(“Source Library Path and Name”).ToString() == sourceList)

result = spItem[“Target Library Path and Name”].ToString();



 return result;




 There you have the final pieces which make up the replicator. This solution does not take checking SPFolders into consideraton, but could easily be modified to accomodate this.

SharePoint 2010 Document Library Replicator: Part 3

Today I added the following changes to the solution:

1 – Added a ReplicatorLogger Class to the solution.

2 – Updated the Feature Receiver code to create a Replicator logger list in the Web.

3 – Updated the ItemUpdated method in the Event Receiver to write to the Replicator Logger list when an item is added or updated.

The following code is the new ReplicatorLogger Class:

internal class ReplicatorLogger


publicvoid writeToLog(string title, string logDate, string modifiedBy, string action, string copySource, string fileName, SPWeb web)


 // Get the current httpcontext

 System.Web.HttpContext currentContext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;

 // Set the httpcontext to null;

 HttpContext.Current = null;

 using (web)




 // Create an item the Replicator Logger list to record the event

 SPList spList = web.Lists[“Replicator Logger”];

 SPListItem logItem = spList.Items.Add();

logItem[“Title”] = title;

logItem[“Log Date”] = logDate;

logItem[“Modified By”] = modifiedBy;

logItem[“Action”] = action;

logItem[“Copy Source”] = copySource;

logItem[“File Name”] = fileName;



 catch (SPException spEx)





 // Set the httpcontext back to the original

 System.Web.HttpContext.Current = currentContext;





The following code was added to the Feature Receiver to create the Replicator logger list:

 // Create the replicator logging list

 spWeb.Lists.Add(“Replicator Logger”, “Document Library Replicator Logging List”, spWeb.ListTemplates[“Custom List”]);

 SPList replicatorLoggingList = spWeb.Lists[“Replicator Logger”];

replicatorLoggingList.NoCrawl = true;

replicatorLoggingList.Fields.Add(“Log Date”, SPFieldType.Text, true);

replicatorLoggingList.Fields.Add(“Modified By”, SPFieldType.Text, true);

replicatorLoggingList.Fields.Add(“Action”, SPFieldType.Text, true);

replicatorLoggingList.Fields.Add(“Copy Source”, SPFieldType.Text, true);

replicatorLoggingList.Fields.Add(“File Name”, SPFieldType.Text, true);


 // Update the default view to show the new fields

SPView spLogView = replicatorLoggingList.DefaultView;

spLogView.ViewFields.Add(“Log Date”);

spLogView.ViewFields.Add(“Modified By”);


spLogView.ViewFields.Add(“Copy Source”);

spLogView.ViewFields.Add(“File Name”);


The code below updates the Event Receiver to also write the properties to the Replicator Logger list:

public overridevoid ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)



 using (SPSite spsite = newSPSite(properties.WebUrl))



EventFiringEnabled = false;

 if (properties.ListItem.ParentList.Title != “Replicator Logger”)


 SPWeb siteForLogger = spsite.OpenWeb();

 // determine target filename – the same as the source

 string targetfilename = properties.ListItem.Name.ToString();

 string SourceLib = properties.WebUrl + “/” + properties.ListItem.ParentList.ToString();

  // Copy the file to the destination library (targetlibrary)

 properties.ListItem.File.CopyTo(properties.WebUrl + “/” + “targetlibrary” + “/” + targetfilename, true


 // Write to the Replicator Log – in test mode…

 ReplicatorLogger replogger = newReplicatorLogger();

 // Get the current Date and Time

 DateTime dtime = DateTime.Now;

 // Create the title for the logger list item

 string title = (dtime.Date.ToString() + “_” + dtime.Hour.ToString() + “_” + dtime.Minute.ToString() + “_” + dtime.Second.ToString() + “_” + targetfilename.ToString());

 // Write the information to the logger list

 EventFiringEnabled = false;

replogger.writeToLog(title, dtime.ToShortDateString(), properties.UserDisplayName.ToString(),“New/Updated Document”, SourceLib, targetfilename, siteForLogger);



catch (SPException spEx) { }



  // Enable Event Firing

 EventFiringEnabled = true;



Here is an example of the item created in the Replicator Logger list when an item is uploaded or updated:

SharePoint 2010 Document Library Replicator: Part 2

In my previous post I demonstrated how easy it was to have a document copied, on upload, to another document library with very few lines of code. This involved utilizing an Event Receiver which performed an override using the ItemUpdated method. This would also support document updates as the code utilized the ItemUpated method.

 Since then I have been working on a feature receiver which that creates a SharePoint list that defines the source and target document libraries for the copy operation.

The ideal approach is to code this so that when the Document Library Replicator feature is activated (the event receiver), we would like the replication configuration list to be created at the same time in the current Web. This has been achieved by created a Feature Receiver within the project that does the following:

1 – Create the “Replicator Configuration” list.

2 – Sets the crawl attribute for the list to none.

3 – Create two text fields for the source and target path and name

4 – Adds the two new text fields to the default view.

The feature receiver only overrides the FeatureActivated method, and does not remove the list when the Document Library Replicator feature is de-activated.

The code for the feature receiver is below:

public class Document_Library_ReplicatorEventReceiver: SPFeatureReceiver


.public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)




using (SPWeb spWeb = (SPWeb)properties.Feature.Parent)


// Create the replicator configuration list

SPSite spSite = spWeb.Site;

spWeb.Lists.Add(“Replicator Configuration”, “Document Library Replicator Configuration”, spWeb.ListTemplates[“Custom List”]);

SPList replicatorConfigList = spWeb.Lists[“Replicator Configuration”];

replicatorConfigList.NoCrawl = true;

replicatorConfigList.Fields.Add(“Source Library Path and Name”, SPFieldType.Text, true);

replicatorConfigList.Fields.Add(“Target Library Path and Name”, SPFieldType.Text, true);


// Update the default view to show the new fields

SPView spView = replicatorConfigList.DefaultView;

spView.ViewFields.Add(“Source Library Path and Name”);

spView.ViewFields.Add(“Target Library Path and Name”);




catch (SPException spEx)








SharePoint 2010 Document Library Replicator: Part 1

I have been recently working on coding a SharePoint document library replicator. Everytime an item is updated in one library, I wanted to ensure a copy of the updated document is written to another library within the same Web.

Even though I am still working in the final solution, I wanted to share a small code snippet which is a SharePoint 2010 Event Receiver that copies a file from one library to a specified target document library named “targetlibrary”. To perform this basic function the code was very straight forward, and any libraries that get updated would get the file copied to the target library within the Web.

The properties are hard-coded in this sample, but in my final solution I may have a list which manages source and destination library urls. It could also handle and manage SPFolders from the source to the target libraries. I’m also adding a log writer to show the copied files with a timestamp that shows properties such as the last user who edited the file. The log writer will write the information to a SharePoint list.

*** You may want to add some code to skip the block if an update is made to the target library ***

using System;

using System.Security.Permissions;

using Microsoft.SharePoint;

using Microsoft.SharePoint.Security;

using Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;

using Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow;

using System.IO;

namespace DocLibraryReplicator.Document_Library_Receiver



/// List Item Events///</summary>

publicclass Document_Library_Receiver : SPItemEventReceiver


///<summary>/// An item was added.///</summary>

publicoverridevoid ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)




///<summary>/// An item was updated.///</summary>

publicoverridevoid ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)



using (SPSite spsite = newSPSite(properties.WebUrl))



// determine target filename – the same as the source

string targefilename = properties.ListItem.Name.ToString();

// Disable Event Firing as the target will try to copy to itself

EventFiringEnabled = false;

 // Copy the file to the destination library (targetlibrary) ** BEWARE ** Target file overwritten with true directive

properties.ListItem.File.CopyTo(properties.WebUrl + “/” + “targetlibrary” + “/” + targefilename, true);

 // Enable Event Firing

EventFiringEnabled = true;


catch (SPException spEx) { }

finally { }




Visual Studio 2010 Training – Creating your first Visual WebPart

I’ve created a video to demonstrate how to create a SharePoint 2010 solution with a Visual WebPart in Visual Studio 2010.

The video covers the following training:

1) Creating a SharePoint 2010 Project
2) Creating a Visual Web Part
3) Adding WebPart Controls
4) Adding the WebPart to a Page
5) Enabling some Basic Ajax Extensions in the Web Part

I welcome your feedback, and if you would like to see additional training videos on SharePoint Development I’ll do my best to accommodate your requirements.

SharePoint 2010 Training – Creating a Custom Content Type

I have recently created a training video which I would like to share, on how to create a custom content type in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. The video covers the following training:

1) Creating a SharePoint Site
2) Creating a Car Manufacturers List
3) Creating a Car List
4) Creating a Content Type
5) Assigning the Content type to the Car List

I welcome your feedback and I will start to add more training videos to this blog in the future.